Saturday, November 21, 2009

My First Post

What’s it like living in Africa?” “What kind of pets do you have?” “What do you like better, America or Congo?”

These are some questions I get asked frequently when I’m in America, so I’ll give you the answers.

Well, first of all, it’s SUPER living in Africa! I get to do tons of stuff other kids aren’t able to do, have a lot of rare pets (and normal), and be dying of heat exhaustion and dripping with sweat in December and January!

Right now we don’t have any really exotic pets, but we have had some in the past. Our current collection is a dog, three cats, four donkeys and a guinea pig. I love all our pets very much, but I don’t really have a “special bond” with the guinea pig because she’s my sister’s only hope of raising guinea pigs for money.

I like neither America nor Congo better. Each country has its faults and advantages. God has blessed me to allow me to live in two completely different worlds.

We recently came back from a four-month furlough in the USA and are somewhat still in the stage of readapting to everything here again. Like I said before it is HOT in this country all year long. So it takes getting used to when you go from 30 degrees F. to 90 degrees! But I’m pretty much used to it now, and even wore a long sleeve shirt when it was a freezing 80!

It was kind of hard to start school this year, because we had had a longer-than-normal summer this year (due to lots of traveling and business). It’s going good so far, though. After not doing school for so long, I actually was quite excited to be doing school! Amazing! But, it’s school that I have to do now.

I know God has a lot in store for me in this school year, and so may God bless this year and years to come!